This class was a wonderful class with an inspiring drive to learn about sustainability in the garden and beyond. It definitely energized my mission to be with you during this class.
A reminder: Evaluations are due 7 days from the last class - Sept. 4. You should have received an email from UCLA to do evaluations online. Please complete these!
Finding us:
You have our emails. Feel free to drop us a line just to keep us apprised of your projects.
David can be found at the Learning Garden, at SLOLA,, and online at Beautiful Food, LA Garden and the Learning Garden Almost Daily. SLOLA meets at the Learning Garden on the third Saturday of every month except in December and all of you are welcome to attend. Although you have given him your email address, you have not been added to any of his many email lists - you must ask to be on the lists. Upcoming at The Learning Garden will be the annual Pesto Day - September 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM - for a mere ten bucks you get pasta with fresh pesto from the Garden, an Italian salad, Italian sausage and Italian bread and lemonade served with an Italian accent.
Orchid can be found at the monthly meetings of CNPS-SGM at Eaton Canyon (CNPS evening program meetings are free to the public, as are many CNPS hikes), on the interwebs at Native Sanctuary, and at every native plant sale this fall (TPF, RSABG, CNPS-SGM). She will be lecturing September 20 and giving a tour of a native garden October 4 for the Arboretum, as well as speaking at the symposium At Home with Natives 2012: Solutions for Nature-Friendly Landscaping, Saturday, October 13, at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. This lecture will reprise the "water" powerpoint of our class for those who missed it, along with some irrigation thoughts. All three events have a charge. To find other lectures or native plant resources, follow the Native Sanctuary blog.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
More On The LA River & Other Notes
Here we are on our own river Adventure, Mia, and possibly others hiding behind Orchid's hat:
Pretty good looking class if I say so myself.
At the same time, this was happening just upstream from us, I found this blog article interesting and it makes me want to do the kayaking thing sooner rather than later.
Also FoLAR - Friends of the Los Angeles River - be aware that when you visit their page, a duck comes on and quacks at you - could prove embarrassing on the office computer:
To go out on the river,, they say they are 'sold out' and the waiting list is full, but when I signed up for their email notices, the first one said I might be able to get in... just a little ambiguity there...
This coming class on Tuesday (the 21st) Orchid and I will spend time answering questions about projects for the course and outline our final meetings. Please come with ideas for a project. Remember, we want you to expand and explore sustainability in the areas that excite you. We want a little reach to explore new ideas and to expose yourself to a challenge. We do not want you to undertake to rewrite the Federal Tax Code to make it encourage sustainable practices, although there would be extra-credit if you did (double extra credit if you can do it with a 12 point font under five pages!).
PROJECTS ARE DUE BEFORE MIDNIGHT OF OUR LAST CLASS (if you are emailing them... hand delivered projects are due at the last class meeting)... I hope that's clear.
Program note: Our last meeting will NOT be at UCLA. We will meet at our regular time at The Learning Garden for a potluck... Shine up your tastebuds!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Field Trip to the LA River
Tomorrow is our field trip to the LA River. We are going to a place on the river near Glendale. The main reason to spend this time at the river is to acquaint ourselves with this tremendous resource that has been alternately abused and neglected; sometimes abused with neglect, sometimes just abused and sometimes just neglected. Discussions abound about what to do with the river and I hope we take a few minutes to speculate about what the LA River could be like and how it could be a resource again; preferably ecologically so.
The address is 3900 Chevy Chase Drive, Los Angeles, 90039.
View Larger Map
I have never been here before, so I will try to be early and available by phone to guide anyone in who might get lost; you have my cell phone. (NB, if you've ever received an email from me, it's in my signature.)
For those of you interested in n afternoon activities, there is the SLOLA meeting at 2:30 - held in The Learning Garden; you've all been there so no map is required. Abbreviated bios of the two speakers are, as follows:
Jeffrey Smith, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology, and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices; author of the world's bestselling and #1 rated book on the health dangers of GMOs, Seeds of Deception.
The address is 3900 Chevy Chase Drive, Los Angeles, 90039.
View Larger Map
I have never been here before, so I will try to be early and available by phone to guide anyone in who might get lost; you have my cell phone. (NB, if you've ever received an email from me, it's in my signature.)
For those of you interested in n afternoon activities, there is the SLOLA meeting at 2:30 - held in The Learning Garden; you've all been there so no map is required. Abbreviated bios of the two speakers are, as follows:
Jeffrey Smith, Director, Institute for Responsible Technology, and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices; author of the world's bestselling and #1 rated book on the health dangers of GMOs, Seeds of Deception.
Tom Newmark, Board
Member, Greenpeace, Inc. USA. He is a founder of Sacred Seeds, a sanctuary
in Costa Rica dedicated to conserving medicinal plants across the globe. He
lives in Costa Rica and we are privileged to have him join Jeffrey Smith.
I promised in class to post the trailer to Jeffrey Smith's movie. This is it here:
If, on the other hand, you haven't had enough of me, I'm speaking at another event in support of National Honey Bee Awareness Day:
Located in the Band shell (someone asked me where the 'clamshell' was) behind the LA Library at Corinth and Santa Monica Boulevard, there is ample parking in large lots to the south and UCLA Extension Gardening & Horticulture will be there raffling one free admission to my Fall course.
Map here:
View Larger Map
Orchid and I will see you in the morning!
Map here:
View Larger Map
Orchid and I will see you in the morning!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Perennials/Bulbs as a part of your food supply
will only address those plants that are truly a perennial and ones
that we grow as perennials. There are number of our vegetables that
are perennial in their climate, but we grow them as annuals –
usually – in our climate. These are treated as annuals elsewhere.)
food needs to be an integral part of any food system. Perennials
provide stability to the food supply, not needing to be planted all
the time. They form association with fungi in the soil rather than
bacteria using a more diversified soil ecology and greater
resilience. Perennials add another delicious component to meals.
Annual plants are harder on the gardener because they must be
replanted every year. They are harder on the soil because they must
grow quickly to full size and produce food within their growing
season. A perennial, comparatively speaking, grows to full size and
produces food at an almost leisurely pace.
being plants you remove from the soil every year allows the ground
underneath them to develop long term associations that don't get
disrupted every year. These plants are very important to the
permaculture gardener as they form major parts of the food forest
importance cannot be minimized. Wes Jackson's Land Institute is
working on perennial grains like wheat that will stand year after
year in the field and eliminate a lot of the destructive planting and
tilling we do annually in order to grow wheat, barley and other
cereal crops.
perennial is any plant that lives for several growing seasons and is
not a tree. (A tree is a perennial, but we usually refer to trees as
trees and use the word “perennial” to describe any plant that
lives for several seasons and is not a tree.) Because they will live
for many years, planting them requires more thought and careful
consideration. The area must be kept weed free for many of these
have already been planting garlic, leeks, onions, shallots and
onions. There are perennial onions – as follows:
– these onions that grow by dividing – you plant one large bulb,
and net many smaller bulbs. Shallots and potato onions are in this
class. Some gardeners leave the bulbs in the ground to multiply and
that probably works best if you have the room. If you don't, things
get a little bit more difficult: You lift the bulbs at harvest time,
divide them into bulbs you will eat and those you will replant. We
have talked about growling shallots from seed or from sets – it's
tough to do this kind of planting in SoCal because to get the bulbs
to last until it's time to plant them again is tough: they should be
stored in a dark and cool spot – something that is a little hard to
find in Southern California. These multipliers are best for cooking
– they are a little pungent for fresh eating.
onions. Often called Egyptian onions or walking onions, they produce
leafy green stalks with small bulblets forming on the top. If
bulblets are not harvested, the leaves bend over allowing the onion
to drop to the ground and root – so the onions move a little every
year, hence the name 'walking onion.' When left in the ground, this
onion increases in size. Harvest the bulblets and plant them
individually in fall (if bulblets are very small, don't separate them
before planting). Mild, tender young leaves (with no bulblets) over
the winter can be used like green onions. The small bulblets make
tasty pickles. The bulbs normally are left in the ground, but some
can be harvested. Since their flavor is very strong, they're best
– Common chives and garlic chives (sometimes called Chinese chives)
grow 12 to 24 inches tall with lavender-pink flowers in spring, and
a mild green onion flavor. Simply snip off lengths of leaves with
scissors. The Chinese chives with their pronounced garlicky flavor
(and aroma) are used in Chinese medicine as one of their healing
herbs in addition to being a culinary herb.
bulbs we can plant include one of the most expensive spices in the
world: Crocus sativus, Saffron. Easy to grow – and easy to
misplace! – these crocus bulbs produce the bright yellow/orange
stamens that are valued as a spice and also to dye the robes of
Buddhist monks.
called 'herbacious' perennials, just above the ground are the herbs
we commonly use and are so familiar with, they need no introduction:
thyme, rosemary, oregano, and others are members of the mint family,
including several delicious varieties of mint and are easy to grow.
There are oodles of varieties of each, especially of thyme, and each
of us will need to find the varieties that float our boat. When it
comes to oregano, I've got my love and I proselytize its flavor to
any one who will listen: Origanum heracleoticum –
Greek oregano, which has a deeper, more complex flavor than the
typical Origanum vulgare.
As regards thyme, many of the more attractive thymes have added
flavors, like lemon-thyme, lime-thyme and even orange-thyme. These
are easy to grow in pots and in the ground – they need only ample
water and some shade on the hottest days.
Horseradish is similar to herbs in
that it is used primarily as a condiment – and, like herbs, it is
an easy plant to cultivate, in fact, I've heard folks say it is nigh
to impossible to get rid of, although I have gotten rid of it twice –
once when I was trying to not get rid of it, so I think in our
climate, with our lack of water, we have to keep it watered and
shelter it a bit more than you can in other parts of the county.
Bury a piece of root in decent soil and you'll see the leaves up
shortly. Harvest by digging a bit of the root, peel and clean it,
cut in cubes and whiz it in the Cuisinart and mix with white vinegar,
adding more vinegar if you need to cut the heat. Do this in a
well-ventilated room (outdoors?) as your body will respond as if you
were slicing up very potent onions. Unless you dig vigorously you
probably wont get out all the roots which will insure you still have
horseradish growing. It has a reputation for spreading into nearby
beds, so it should be treated with care. Keep it in a pot in the
ground if this concerns you, or remain vigilant and count on luck. I
cannot imagine a person with one horseradish plant not having enough
for an entire block – so if you grow one, share it
Rhubarb, also called pie plant is
another perennial I insist on keeping around. If you like Marie
Calender's pies, I'd stay away from eating straight rhubarb pies
because they tend towards the tarter side of life and no amount of
sugar hides that. Strawberries are a favorite of the wimps who can't
take a straight rhubarb pie, like the folks who drink cream in their
coffee. I say, if you can't take coffee black, maybe you were born
to just drink milk.
Rhubarb was prized as the earliest
food folks could get out of the garden after a long cold winter. In
the spring that followed that cold winter, the first shoots out of
the ground in a garden would be the bright red rhubarb shoots.
Called 'pie plant' by many in the mid-west and south, pie and ice
cream sauce are about the only uses for rhubarb and for many of those
people, rhubarb pie is as much a tradition of spring as pumpkin pie
is at Thanksgiving. I love mine with whipped cream or vanilla ice
cream or just plain and I’ll two slices, thank you very much.
Most of the rhubarb in Southern
California doesn't ever get really red which I think is due to the
lack of truly cold weather, but even if the pie looks a little like
'celery pie' it has the same kick as rhubarb. Rhubarb, by the way,
is one of the few plants from which we eat only the leaf stem, the
petiole, – rhubarb leaves are poisonous.
Asparagus and artichokes are some of
the most frequently planted annual herbs in the gardens of
California. Artichokes we treat a lot like annuals in our gardens.
They, unlike other perennials are easy to move whenever the moma
plant dies back, her children, often called pups, can be moved easily
from the original site and transplanted elsewhere.
Asparagus is unlike most of the
plants we've covered and we'll have to look at it on its own merit.
Purchase roots of asparagus in the late fall, early winter. The site
must be chosen with some forethought because once placed, asparagus
is difficult to relocate. From roots to your first picking will be
two years and that picking should be light. Asparagus growers often
like to dump aged manure on their asparagus bed every fall. I'm not
sure that is necessary, but then I am only in my second year of my
second bed so I have harvested very little asparagus... Your
long-term asparagus project can come to naught if it gets infested
with perennial weeds. Asparagus has very shallow roots which are
easily damaged – perennial weeds can quickly ruin an asparagus
patch - which is whence went my first patch. Asparagus is NO match
for false garlic.
Artichokes are easily grown, the
plant that produces chokes this year will die in summer giving rise
to baby plants (called pups) which can be left on the plant or cut
away and transplanted elsewhere. If you can leave the plants alone
for three years, you will soon be giving artichokes away to your
neighbors or making artichoke heart stew! Allowing some the last
chokes to flower is a long lived tradition I adhere to because it
elicits so many cries of joy.
Strawberries are much prized and if
done correctly can provide a gardener with years of sweet
deliciousness in season. They must be well-mulched, and attention to
have mulch that doesn't also serve as a haven for snails and slugs
must be given. Slugs and snails will decimate your strawberries
almost as fast as children – although, children will eat the whole
berry while a slug or snail will at least only take part of the berry
allowing you to trim off the slug part and have the rest for
yourself. Plan your strawberry patch with some forethought because it
will be there for a long time, if you're lucky.
Shrubs Etc
Blueberries, Vaccinium sp.
There are several blueberry varieties that will produce nice berries
in Southern California. They take about three years to get up to
snuff – but they are easy enough, and once, established make for
some great eating! Emerald, Jewell, Misty and Sunshine Blue are
varieties suggested – I have only experience with Misty and I love
Native plant specialists will point to Ribes aureum as
being a native edible species. They are correct in the most strict
sense of the word 'edible.' I would not want to be forced to a diet
in which the starring role was played by the Golden Currant. About
30 of them comprise a decent mouthful and it is time consuming at the
least to collect several mouthfuls off one plant. It is a good
berry, but not amazing. It is however, the only Ribes
species that will grow here in southern California – all those
black current preserves are there just to tempt you. Remember, we
can grow so much more than they can, we ought not covet that little
they can grow without us.
Brambles - all the cane berries are
called 'brambles.' They are almost all weedy and difficult to
control, spreading by underground runners (that have thorns too!) but
if you have the space and cannot do without them, they are easy to
grow. Raspberries, Blackberries. There is a thornless white
raspberry that is worth looking into if this sort of thing cranks
your tractor.
Vines – grapes, kiwis, passion
fruit are some of the more popular vines we grow for food.
Especially if you have some fence (sturdy fence) that you can grow
them on.
Apples, peaches, apricots, plums,
nectarines, figs, pomegranates and persimmons all grow here as easy
as it gets. The choice of variety is most important because many of
these fruits need a set amount of chill time in order to produce
fruit. Neither true cherries or pears do well in our coastal clime,
although some of you further inland might find a pear or two that you
can grow – cherries require the most chilling of all stone fruits.
First off, let's tackle the concept
of 'chill hours.' Every fruit that need some cold in order to set
fruit is said to need 'chill hours.' This measurement of how much
cold a given variety needs is not well-understood and the amount of
hours that given variety needs fluctuates, sometimes wildly, which
let one know that this is not a hard science in the same way as
easiest method is called The 45-degree-Fahrenheit-and-under model.
Simply calculate a given variety's available chill hours by
estimating how many hours it will spend in temperatures of 45 º
F and under. One hour of time is equal to one chill hour. During the
winter, you can add up the chill hourscumulatively, taking away one
hour for every hour the temperature rises above 60º
F. If you see an apple listed at 500 chill hours (like Fuji), and
you live on the coast, cross if off your list.
Apples we can grow include, Anna,
Ein Schiemer (both Israeli varieties that were bred for their
conditions that are very similar to ours) and my favorite, Dorsett
Golden, named 'golden' for medals and not for the color of the skin.
All of these apples get apple scab which, though not fatal is still a
problem. If you are inland and have more chill hours, Fuji could be
one of your choices.
Apricots include Sunkist, which I
think is the best apricot I've ever, ever tasted although Blenheim
gets all the press. I don't know why.
Nectarines – our list includes:
Snow Queen and Arctic Star.
Our peach selection is likewise
slender, and while there are others, have to admit, Strawberry Free
and Red Baron top my list.
Figs, mulberries, pomegranates and
persimmons are not too picky about chill hours and we can grow almost
all of them. These are all delicious fruits and can be quite
productive blessing one with loads of fruit that can be somewhat
overwhelming – we should all have this problem!
I wish I could get a pawpaw to grow
here. This is a fruit with a texture like a custard and is endemic
to the area around southern Ohio.
A number of productive almond
varieties will produce lovely crops in Los Angeles. I was given two
varieties a couple of years ago, one was tagged with the name
'Nonpariel' which means, non-parallel. The other, not being tagged,
was promptly named 'Pariel.' I still don't know it's name! Most
almonds require two trees (of different parentage) to cross-pollinate
in order to crop decently.
We are not cold enough for
filberts,pistachios or walnuts but we can grow pecans – I don't
have any experience with any pecans as I only eat pecans a couple of
times a year.
I would encourage anyone with any
amount of land to grow a native oak tree. The acorns are edible and
there is evidence that the presence of acorns played a significant
role in humans becoming agricultural. The early agricultural
communities could settle in one place and experiment in agriculture
because they could pick all the food they needed from the local oak
trees. Our California oak trees produce edible acorns that can be
prepared for eating. Our own Valley Oak, Quercus lobata is
one of the most edible of the species. While they might not be your
first choice for food, the acorns can serve as a back up source and
in the meantime, oaks provide habitat and food for a good number of
Native Californian species.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sustainable Water Strategies Resource List
Soil and Sod, Pacoima, 818-686-6445
Foothill Soils, Sylmar, 661-254-0867
Rainwater catchment supplies:
Native plants that can be used as lawn:
Carex praegracilis: Meadow Sedge, more runner, turf-forming
Festuca rubra: Red Fescue, the lumpy lawn, requires much more water than above, but easily available in conventional nurseries.
Bouteloua gracilis: Blue gramma grass is also very lumpy, looks like a bluer Bermuda, great for desert/hi-elevation applications.
Books and other resources:
Shawna Dark et al, Historical Wetlands of the San Gabriel River I believe this is the newest link to the above research showing how dewatered the landscape of the San Gabriel River watershed has become in the last 100 years.
Art Ludwig
can buy books, plumbing supplies, etc. from this website. Reading the
articles on the website is an education in water storage and reuse. The
only source of salt-free dish and laundry cleanser that I am aware of, "Oasis Biocompatible."
Ludwig, The New Create an Oasis with Grey Water
, Oasis Design
Ludwig, Builder's Grey Water Guide,
Oasis Design
Ludwig, Water
Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire
and Emergency Use--Includes How to Make Ferrocement Water Tanks
, Oasis Design
Another excellent resource for water use.
Lancaster, "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands" Vol 1 & 2, Rainsource Press
Vol. 1 is overview, Vol. 2 is earthworks
Mollison, Mia Slay, "Permaculture: A Designers' Manual," Tagari Publications
Hemenway, "Gaia’s Garden," Chelsea Green, especially good for theory of constructed wetlands
Month By Month: The Cheat Sheet
These generalizations are
for The Learning Garden, located in Sunset Zone 24, less than 3 miles
from the Pacific Ocean in an alluvial plain that is just above sea
level. Cold air from the surrounding hills drains into our area and
we are reliably cooler than much of the surrounding areas. If you are
growing inland from us, your temperatures fluctuate more than ours.
As one gardens further from the ocean, the temperatures are less
moderate and the effects of heat and cold are more pronounced. While
we can grow some cool season crops year round (kale and chard come to
mind first), this becomes more difficult without the ocean's
pronounced influence.
There are two different
ways to plant seeds (and I always suggest growing from seed): 1.
In the ground – right where the plant will grow, you must do this
for root crops, but many plants can be planted in the ground directly
or, 2. In a container in a sheltered location – like in the house
or on a porch. This is usually done for plants that start out very
small and benefit from more attention and care. It is also almost
always the way to start tomatoes and Cruciferae that benefit from
being place deeper in the soil when transplanted.
Plant in the ground:
lettuce, carrots, beets, parsnips, potatoes, celeriac, radishes,
Plant in containers:
lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, kale, chard, (these last two can be
started now, but they would have been better started earlier –
their production will be reduced by the coming warmer weather), peas,
fava beans, lentils, garbanzo beans
Plant in the ground:
lettuce (and other salad greens), carrots, beets parsnips, radishes,
spinach, purple beans,
Plant in containers: early
tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, summer squash
Plant in the ground:
purple beans, lettuce, radishes, purple beans, beets, radishes,
spinach, set out plants of basil, early tomatoes, later in the month,
sow early sweet corn,
Plant in containers:
tomatoes, basil, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, melons, all squash,
Plant in the ground: beans
of all colors, lettuce, radishes, beets, spinach, set out plants of
tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, basil, you can start planting all corn
Plant in containers:
tomatoes, basil, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, melons & squash,
Plant in the ground: all
basil, eggplant, all melons and all squash (including cucumbers, set
out plants of same and all tomatoes, eggplants and peppers) green and
yellow beans and all the dried beans; corn too, if you have room
Plant in containers: As in
April, but it's getting late – peppers, eggplants and basil are
still OK to start, but it's getting late, did I say it was getting
Plant in the ground: all
the above, but it's getting late... you can still get a crop, but it
will be cut shorter by any early cool weather; the last of the corn
can go in early in the month
Plant in containers: after
starting pumpkin seeds, take a nap
Plant in the ground only
out of necessity – extreme necessity
Plant in containers:
continue napping
Plant in the ground:
nothing if you can avoid it
Plant in containers:
towards the end of the month, in a shaded location, the first of the
winter veggies can be started, cabbage, broccoli, kale, chard, fava
beans, leeks, shallots, onions...
Plant in the ground:
nothing, until late in the month, start sowing turnips, parsnips,
radishes, beets and carrots – keep seeds moist! Peas, lentils and
garbanzo beans can be sown...
Plant in containers:
Cabbage, broccoli, kale, chard, favas, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
Plant in the ground: by
now you can begin to set out some of your cabbage, broccoli, kale,
cauliflower, chard and so on. Continue with seeds as above... you can
also direct sow favas if you want. Potatoes can usually be found
about now as well as sets or seed bubls of onions, garlic and
shallots and they all should be planted from now until late November.
Plant in containers:
More Cruciferae and favas, celery and celeriac,
Plant in the ground: More
of September's plants can be sown – you still have time for all of
them except onions, this will be the last month to plant peas,
lentils, garbanzos, shallots, garlic and fava beans. Their growing
season is too long to get the harvest you would want. Although the
legumes can be planted if you are willing to take a lesser harvest or
are using them as a cover (green manure) crop.
Plant in containers: I'm
still sowing cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower, but Brussels sprouts
are a longer season item so they're not a part of my efforts until
next season's planting begins.
Plant in the ground: Too
little light and too many parties make it difficult to find garden
time – but if you have some things left over from November, try to
get that done.
Plant in containers:
Pretty much the same story, if you have time, do more of all that's
listed from November.
There are two big shifts
in Southern Californian gardening: At the end of September, beginning
of October it's all about the winter crops. At the end of February,
beginning of March, the focus all shifts to summer and the heat
lovers. Seeds get started slightly before then (if you have the right
conditions, up to six weeks).
Twelve Principles to a Better Garden (and Being A Better Gardener!)
“Patience may well be a virtue for the general populace, but for a gardener, it is essential.” David King
I have been a successful organic
gardener in Southern California for the last twenty five years with a
good deal of dirt under my nails on the mid-West plains before that.
I have evolved a style of gardening that works well in Southern
California and is 100% wholly organic and sustainable, as
“sustainable” as a person can be in a land where water is shipped
in from thousands of miles away. There are no books written for our
climate that are truly organic or sustainable.
The principles that I use to guide my
gardening are quite simple.
- Very little fertilizer. In fact, the fewer things you buy for your garden, the better off you will usually be. It is the task of advertising, with which we are constantly bombarded, to create the desire for a thing. I want to tell you that a few packets of seed, a couple of really well made tools and patience are all you need to grow good, nutritious, uncontaminated food. The scientific community, as far back as 1936 was aware that fertilizers, organic and chemical, were harmful to soil biota, the organisms living in the soil that make soil truly fertile. This understanding was deliberately not popularized because you won't buy something if you've already got it. No, you don't need fertilizer – you do need compost and lots of it, but you don't need fertilizer.
- No pesticides. In many ways, chemical pesticides are better for the world than organic ones because the chemical pesticides at least target the species that we wish to deal with while most organic pesticides kill everything they come in contact with while they are active. The key to a healthy, pest free garden is not through war, but through cooperation with nature. The entire key is to be attracting more insects to your garden – not less.
- Continuous cropping. Our gardens are small and the idea of crop rotation can be a little ludicrous. We need to have as much diversity in our gardens as we possibly can have – this means interplanting species and using legumes and other plants to keep the soil fertile for this constant cropping.
- Composting. Compost everything that can be composted. Everything ends up somewhere, if it will break down, compost it. If you lack space, vermicompost, but keep this valuable 'waste' out of the landfill!
- Mulch. Three inches in planting season, twice a year. This is the key to the soil's fertility and vitality. I use unfinished compost on top of my soil, in Fall and in Spring. Three inches!
- Insure the survival of pollinators. In this world of uncertainty, the roll played by pollinators has become more and more critical – plant your garden to provide for their well-being. And provide a source of water.
- Diversity in your garden. No matter how small your garden, you have room to plant a variety of species and should take advantage of that. Interplant everything to the degree you can (corn and garlic should have their own space, but for different reasons).
- Grow your own plants from seeds. Don't buy transplants from the nursery. Buy seeds and plant them yourself – there are good reasons to do this and the fact that it saves you money is just one.
- Saving seed to plant next year. And that means allowing some of your harvest to go to 'waste' in that some of your cabbages will flower, some of your lettuce will bolt and some of your cucumbers will stay on the vine well past the edible stage. These are investments in your future. This also means you will need to leave behind hybrid plants.
- Preserve and share your harvest - help someone else grow . Nature is lusciously abundant, emulate Her! Learn how to dry, pickle, can and freeze the food that is overwhelming you – if you can't do that, share it with your neighbor and make new friends. Teach a child the importance of gardening and how food really tastes.
- Don't stop learning. Go buy my book. Better yet, write your own book: keep your own garden journal and learn from your mistakes. Join a club, find a website or two, subscribe to a magazine. Garden in a community garden.
- Garden for yourself. Plant the foods you will eat or the foods you eat that are expensive or unobtainable in the market. Do not plant what the books tell you to plant if you don't like it, except you really should have some kind of legume – for you and for the soil. Above all, put a chair in your garden so you can sit with a cup of tea, coffee, a beer or a jug of water (is that really water?), and just hang out in your garden. You can use it to rest when you over-do it, or you can make it a place where you read a book. I love to have a bottle of sparkling water or a cup of coffee (depending on the time of day and the season), with my radio tuned to the Dodger station and my notebook in hand. Some of the finest moments of my life have been spent this way – certainly, some of the most peaceful! Make your garden a part of your life, just like your living room is! Ditch the TV, watch insects fight for their lives in your garden, butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other critters doing their daily chores in your garden. It is peaceful and oh so refreshing.
And take care of yourself while you
garden. Drink plenty of water (that's the best), protect your skin
from the sun with long sleeved shirts and a hat. Stop to catch your
breath and look around, your garden will soon team with life so get
to know it and don't fear it.
As a society, we have left so much of
this behind. Don't get so caught up in 'working' on your garden,
that you miss the peace and wonderment of watching Nature do her
thing right in front of you. Allow the garden to be so much more
than just a place to 'make food.' A garden can heal. Let it happen
for you!
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