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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Field Trip This Saturday - Scheduling Conflicts?

Greener Gardeners:  

It has been pointed out to me that two other Extension Horticulture classes with some of our students have field trips this Saturday as well.  Because field trips are considered part of your instruction hours and you are expected to be there, this puts you in a bind - which instructor do you snub or what information do you dare miss?  

Orchid and I would like to do our best to ameliorate the situation and so tomorrow evening, I will present an option to the class that we do an afternoon field trip - from 1 to 3:00 PM.  If we can't agree on that, we'll revert to the original plan - BUT those of you having conflicts with our future field trips need to let us know as soon as possible so we can immediately look for solutions.  

I don't know that we CAN, but we will try.  One fine sunshiney day, Extension will require all instructors to submit their syllabus in advance so this can be done before the quarter starts, but until that glorious day, we muddle through as best we can.  

See you tomorrow night!


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