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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

General Propagation Methods and Application

Lecture: General Propagation Methods and Application; Pages 47-91; pests and diseases and methodology to deal.
Demonstration: Sharpening Knives and Pruners

TEST: Primarily on Cuttings and Safety

Grow seedlings/cuttings that are healthy. Take from healthy plants. Make sure the seeds have been stored properly within the time limits of the species you are working with.

Pests of seedlings/cuttings

damping off – fungal from a number of different pathogens; conditions for growth: cold damp soil, old seed, and lack of air circulation
Treatment: use fresh seeds, keep the temperature closer to ideal temperature of that plant and use a fan to encourage decent air circulation

fungus gnats – small airborne insects; conditions for growth: very wet soil with decaying organic matter; adult flies do not harm plants – but the larvae can damage your seedlings
Treatment: don't over water or overfeed with fertilizers, keep air circulating, avoid any manure in fertilizers; there is a commercial dunk that

If you get a disease or insects, minimize the damage by acting quickly and decisively. Those containers affected should be sterilized before reuse!

Points of growth

2016 CRFG Scion Exchanges

Asian Citrus Psyllid/Huanglongbing is a widespread problem in California, Arizona and Texas. Thus no citrus or citrus family (including curry leaf) material is allowed at CRFG scion exchanges. Chapters can order guaranteed clean citrus material from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program (CCPP). How to order from CCPP:

Tips for attending a scion exchange: 
  • - To repeat: DO NOT bring citrus or citrus family (e.g. curry leaf) plants/plant material.
  • - DO NOT bring scionwood from patented varieties. You can search the US Patent and Trademark Office site to be really sure something's actually out of patent.
    US Plant Patents last 20 years from the date of filing. If you cannot definitively prove it's not under current patent, don't bring it to the exchange. Lists of varieties still under patent, although neither list is complete: 
    Jason Sutor's list and Dave Wilson's List
  • - If you're bringing scions, make sure you label them by species and variety. (e.g. Apple 'Hudson's Golden Gem'). If you don't know the variety, just say something like "Mystery apple" but add what you know about it like its harvest time. Sanitize your pruners when clipping scions to prevent spreading plant diseases.
  • This video covers in detail how to collect, store and label your scions.
  • - Bring plastic bags, a permanent marker or labels so that you can keep track of what you're picking up at the exchange. Maybe even bring a shoulder bag to put the labelled baggies into as you amass more material.
  • - Ask your chapter in the weeks ahead if they need any help. Volunteers often get in early and get first pick of the scions as reward for their help. Volunteers are what keep CRFG running!
  • - Make sure your CRFG membership is up-to-date because many chapters have discounts and/or members-only hours for their exchanges.
  • - Bring cash. Sometimes there are things for sale and the seller/chapter has no way of processing credit cards or the time to hassle with checks. Making sure you've got cash will save you from disappointment.

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