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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Course Update

First off, Tre' is OK.  It was mighty tough sledding for awhile.  After class last week, we drove straight away to an emergency vet hospital.  Tre' was unable to walk by the time we got there.  They got him to throw up the poison (it was rat poison someone had brought into the garden).  When we left a few hours later, he was still in pretty bad condition.

But he quickly improved.  Later in the evening I opened a yogurt and I could see him raise his head and look at me with one eye, clearly interested in some yogurt.  I fed him a spoonful and he wolfed it down, and from there on out, he has been improving and within 24 hours he was as active as he's ever been. 

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.  I would not have anyone lose a pet under those circumstances.

We will do soils next week.  I did not get the proper charts etc loaded earlier in the week and to proceed with that lecture would be unfair to all of you.  We will do some planting tomorrow - and take care of a few details for this coming hot spell.


Would also not hurt to have your own napkin.  Tomorrow's meal features cheese.

We expect unseasonably hot weather - dress accordingly (although I've felt it was plenty cool out there today.

See you at 1:00 tomorrow.


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